Knowledge of sediments to be dredged is essential in the planning of projects. Where sediment contamination may be an issue, Waterway Surveys & Engineering, Ltd. assembles an interdisciplinary team of scientists, laboratory technicians, engineers and surveyors to ensure the absolute integrity of the collection mission.
Waterway’s participation in sampling missions is always supervised by licensed engineers and surveyors. Our clients have recognized the value of professional control over sediment collection for:
- Dredging of contaminated sediments
- Planning and design of beach fill
- Planning open-water and contained material placement areas
- Preparation of contract documents for dredging
- Monitoring of dredging and dredged material placement
- Permitting
Sediment Sampling, Turkey Island Cut-Off & Richmond Deepwater Terminal
Upper James River, Virginia
Waterway Surveys & Engineering performed sediment sampling and testing on dredged material from the Richmond Deepwater Terminal and the Turkey Island Cutoff, Upper James River, Virginia.
The work was performed in accordance with the approved project sampling and analysis plan (SAP) titled “Richmond Deepwater Terminal and Turkey Island Cutoff Sediment and Effluent Water Investigation,” as prepared by the District.
The SAP had been developed following the procedures, guidance and technical framework as established in the joint EPA and USACE manuals titled “Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed For Discharge in Waters of the U.S. – Testing Manual” (EPA, February 1998) and “Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed for Disposal at Island, Nearshore or Upland Confined Disposal Facilities – Testing Manual” (USACE, January 2003). These manuals are commonly known as the “Inland Testing Manual” (ITM) and the “Upland Testing Manual” (UTM), respectively.
Rudee Inlet Management Study
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Rudee Inlet is a man-made inlet sited along one of the most dynamic shorelines on the east coast. Even though the city maintains a year-round dredging program, the inlet has continued to experience rapid shoaling which periodically causes hazards to navigation.
Waterway Surveys was selected as the lead firm on the “Rudee Inlet Management Study” to investigate various alternatives for improving navigation and reducing the overall dredging requirements at the inlet.
This multi-phased investigation included:
- an in-depth evaluation of the hydrodynamic processes along the Virginia Beach shoreline
- a characterization of the tidal hydraulics
- a determination of the local shoaling patterns
- an evaluation of dredging practices
- an inlet sediment budget
- a navigation study
Based on the background research, an alternatives analysis was completed and management options were ranked relative to their ability to reduce inlet shoaling and/or dredging requirements.
The selected plan included:
- Sand tightening the north jetty and the addition of a spur, while recommendations were made for improvements to the south weir and landward rubble jetty.
- Additive options included a pedestrian walkway on the north jetty and advance maintenance dredging adjacent to the north jetty and in the sand trap.
- Preliminary engineering cost estimates were provided for each recommended option.
Waterway also completed a NEPA environmental assessment to determine if the selected plan would have any adverse impact on the environment. The results suggested that the selected plan would improve the man-made environment with minimal adverse impacts to the physical or natural environments.